06 Dec Our Top Tips For Maintaining Your Weight Over The Party Season
Our Top Tips For Maintaining Your Weight Over The Party Season
1. Don’t stop exercising!
Try and keep your usual training routine going through the celebrations in November, December and January. Red flag events like work functions, xmas parties etc and reschedule any regular training sessions you are going to miss…DON’T SKIP them!! Join us for 4 weeks of fitness for $44 here to help you stay on track!
2. Eat Breakfast
Start your day right and the rest of your meals will fall into place. Don’t be tempted to skip breakfast because you plan to over indulge on party food later in the day. If you fill up on foods with lasting energy like eggs, avocado, yoghurt and wholegrain cereals you will be less likely to go looking for high calorie snacks during the day.
3. Focus on sticking to regular meals
With all the cheese and crackers being offered at xmas functions, it makes it easy to lose track of extra calories. Skip the nibbles and wait for the main meal. Or if you are away and it’s ‘drinks and nibbles’ o’clock… load up the platter with plenty of raw veggie sticks like green beans, cauliflower, carrots and zucchini to have with your dips, rather than filling up on high calorie crackers and chips… Just remember to go easy on the cheese!
4. Get lots of sleep
Try and limit late nights and keep your regular sleeping routine as much as possible. Getting enough sleep will help keep your mood, appetite and eating habits balanced. You don’t want to be too tired to get out of bed for that 6am training session when you know you’re catching up with friends for xmas drinks after work!!!

5. Drink sensibly
It is the season to be jolly and the drinks will be flowing so make sure you up the water intake too. Have a big glass of water for every alcoholic drink you have. Take mineral water to friends and family gatherings and drink it out of a wine or champagne glass. Add mineral water to spirits rather than soft drink to keep the calories down. Offer to be designated driver and be happy knowing you will be able to wake up when your alarm goes off for your scheduled training session without a headache.
6. Don’t stock up on party food
With all the ½ price xmas chocolates, chips and mince pies at the entrance of the supermarkets it’s easy to be convinced that buying some to ‘put away’ for that BBQ next weekend or the emergency xmas present for the teacher is a good idea… BAD IDEA… chances are they never make it out of the house right?!? Homemade gifts like Bliss balls make a great alternative to store bought packaged goods and they can be frozen so make a double batch while you are there.
7. Enjoy the festive food
Party season is all about canapés, pavlovas, chocolate truffles, mince pies and champagne. Denying yourself these festive foods at social occasions can often lead to overeating. The trick is to choose the foods you really love and really enjoy them without the guilt. Don’t just eat the chocolate covered almonds because they are there and then beat yourself up about it, wait for your friends homemade mince pies (they are the best) and eat them guilt free, enjoying every mouthful! (Remember… you’re not skipping your workouts so you can relax, one treat meal is not going to make you put on weight, just get back to your healthy eating plan at your next meal).