22 Jan The s2f ‘switch2healthy’ 8 Week Wellness Program Is Back In 2020!
The s2f 'switch2healthy' 8 Week Wellness Program Is Back In 2020!
At switch2fitness we know that being healthy is a lifestyle.
We are excited to open registrations for our March 8 week program in 2020.
We want to help you and your family get healthy and stay healthy!

So, what’s it all about and how will it help me?
Here's what's included:
- UNLIMITED* Team Training sessions each week (both indoor and outdoor)
- 9 sessions a week to choose from
- Stacks of variety
- BONUS Bingo challenge -prizes to be won!
Having access to all sessions on our Team Training timetable means you will be able to fit your workouts in around your busy schedule from week to week. With up to 9 to choose from, you will never miss a workout!
8 Week Nutrition Plan - Brand New Recipes!
We will create your very own wellness plan specifically to you and what your goals are. We will work together to come up with a plan that’s easy to stick to, making it achievable! 3 regular weigh-ins and measurements will keep you focused and less likely to stray from your plan.
You won’t find any gourmet meals with a list of ingredients you can’t pick up at the supermarket on this program. We are all about simple whole foods that the whole family can enjoy with no fuss. Our easy to follow recipes are tasty and simple to make, even the kids can get involved!
- Your NEW healthy recipe library
- 8 x weekly meal guides
- 3 x nutrition coaching sessions - includes weigh-ins and measurements (30 mins HUB Rec centre)
- Helpful tools you can use in the kitchen that will save you time and ensure you always have healthy food ready to go so there’s no need to stray from the plan... and your goals
That feeling through the 8 week program where: my skin is noticeably clearer, the powerful ‘sweet cravings’ are under good control (and rare), lower back stiffness and discomfort has completely ceased (thanks to yoga!), and my family and I spend much more “active time” together, rather than watching TV/devices. The s2f team (and many of the participants) kept me so motivated, accountable and keen to keep it all going long term. A fantastic program! Thank you x
- Carly S
Starts Monday 9th March 2020
TOTAL COST $219* (includes all of the above) *Price for NEW clients
Sign up before March 2nd and get the EARLY BIRD price ($199*) and make lifestyle changes that last!
$119* existing members
*does not include regular weekly membership. Early bird price $99 before March 2nd.
Or email Talitha for more info - ad***@sw************.au
Download Pre-Exercise Questionnaire and Terms & Conditions
Extra Motivated?
Fast track your results with a weekly POWER2PACE session to really crank things up! For $12.50/wk* you can upgrade your program and get a weekly POWER2PACE session in the gym.
- Small group sessions
- Max 4 clients per session
- Personal attention
- Extra motivation and support
Our trainers will be with you every step of the way in these small group sessions. We will make sure you are being challenged so you can get the most out of your workouts. Having to commit to these sessions will make you accountable, so there will be no bailing out on training!
*$100 paid upfront. Valued at $200!
Do you need extra support?
Our 60 minute 'WELLNESS COACHING' sessions are for anyone looking for that extra support with their diet and exercise sessions. For $149* you get 4 1-2-1 sessions that are specifically designed for you personally to help you get the best results! Each session will include a combination of nutrition coaching and a personal training workout that will be focused on your goals.
*149 paid upfront.Valued at $240