23 Dec 2 FOR 1 Offer – Limited Time Only!
2 FOR 1 Offer – Limited Time Only!
Our Next Challenge Starts Monday January 3rd 2022
Sign up for this 4 x 4 Challenge and start your fitness journey with us now!
Creating new healthy habits have to be worked for and our 4 x 4 challenges are the perfect way to help keep you on track so your goals become a lifestyle.
Group Training Works...
Join our fun, family friendly training sessions, get support and motivation from our fitness community and make 2022 your healthiest year yet!

"I never imagined myself getting fit. the true fact is I never tried. Once I made a commitment to make a change, I was welcomed and respected (by the s2f community). My physical condition was on the poor end of the fitness scale, just 1 month in I feel totally motivated to put in the effort each session and I now have a positive attitude to do better each day. Get off the couch and get into life! Nobody will laugh at you but we're guaranteed to laugh with you!"
- Darren Rose
- $44
- 4 weeks of fitness (valued at $120)
- 4 team training sessions a week
- 4 week nutrition guide & recipes
- 4 BONUS workouts
- EXTRA CHALLENGE - Get to all 16 sessions and get 4 POWER2PACE sessions for FREE*

That's over $200 value for only $44...
All you need to do to get started is make payment by 5pm Friday 31st December.
*T&C's apply. You must attend all 16 sessions within the 4 weeks to get your free P2P sessions.