30 Jun s2f Favourites…
s2f Favourites
We asked the s2f team to tell us what their favourite cafes and restaurants are and where they like to shop for active wear.
Di likes to go to Fudd’s burger restaurants for family occasions and always orders the mushroom burger. They have a delicious Cab Sav made by Living the Dream.
She loves the Edge for coffee down by the beach because it has easy access for when she takes her mum out in the wheelchair.
Di is loving Bonds active wear at the moment and shops on line.

Jenna our s2f yogi loves Delicia at O’halloran Hill and always orders the original acai bowl or chocolate flavour from the hemp menu.
Jenna’s favourite place for active wear is Dharma Bums.

Steve likes Soul Origin Marion for a healthy option on the run.
And Ceasers Restaurant at the Hub for a night out with the family.
Steve has a sneaker collection… ask him about it sometime, he likes to shop at Footlocker and Rebel Sport.

Jodi loves the Hub Cafe because they do the “best skim hot chocolate ever”.
She always order the ham and tomato omelette although they have recently added poached egg and avocado to the menu so will definitely be ordering that next time.
Jodi loves Aldi for active wear for the great designs at affordable prices and also likes Lorna Jane for the shorter knee length tights for summer.
One of Carly’s favourites is the green breakfast at Joan’s Pantry in Hawthorndene. Joan’s Pantry are now selling Sweet Nectar raw desserts.
For active wear it’s Lululemon all the way.

Renee Loves Modish 5 for their great breakfast options and she really likes the baby carrot Salad. They made the top 10 list for best coffee in the south, worth a visit!

Marcus loves Hub Tandoor and the dish he always order is Sekuwa, which is marinated chicken, slow roasted on the day in a clay pot over coals.
Marcus shops at Rebel Sport.

Elly’s favourite cafe at the moment (she has a few) is Dear Daisy. She always orders a cappuccino and smashed avocado with bacon and eggs. Dear Daisy also has great vegetarian and vegan options and the green soup looks amazing!
Elly likes Lorna Jane active wear.